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Programme Overview


Kamadevi M. S. Scheuffele is also happy to visit you.
If you would like to organise a venue and have sufficient participants,
everything listed in the calendar can also be arranged to take place
at a venue of your choice.   Is there anything you would like to ask?

Programmes as PDF to download   further...


Centering for Your Career and Everyday Life

This is for people who would like to experience and develop stability, primal trust and a natural authority. For people who would like to be able to recharge their inner power center and generate energy for their career and everyday life.   more...

  • Seminars for Leaders and Managers   more...
  • Seminars for Teachers, Care Professionals and Parents   more...
  • Seminars 'Health Through (Work) Everyday Life'   more...
  • Meditation Techniques for Everyday (Evening Group)   more...
  • One-to-one Sessions   more...
  • Coaching   more...


Integrative, Transformative Development of Consciousness

For people who would like to grow into and integrate their inner consciousness, for people who want to return to and explore their true individual being and who are ready to realise the extent of their potential and experience it in full.   more...



  • Meditations and Exercise Trainer   more...


Training in Centering, Spiritual Body and Energy Work

Training in spiritual, centering body and energy work including meditation and transformative, integrative consciousness work.

This is for all people; beginners and professionals alike, who would like to combine their work with the concept of DIVINE ALIGNMENT®.   More...


Art from the Inner Center

Flows from the wellspring of Divine Alignment, returns to the state of divine being and integrates in this presence as the potential for expression grows and your individual creativity and art flourishes. Painting, voice work, movement, expression, theatre, performance, ...    more...

Please note

The DIVINE ALIGNMENT® system and courses comply with the German law on spiritual healing.
The system and courses are not intended as a replacement for any medical treatment, but rather as a preventative strategy in the development of consciousness, meditation and wellness in compliance with Health Practitioners’ Directive DGAM.
Berufsverband der GesundheitspraktikerInnen der DGAM

German Association for Alternative Medicine